Saturday, February 11, 2006

You Look Sick...And Ugly!

Being sick sucks. You feel bad. You feel gross and you just want to hide in your bed until you feel better. But all to often that's not possible. You must venture out into the world even though you don't want to.

And for some reason people feel the need to point out to you your sick. And often not politely.

Example conversation:
You look sick.
Yeah, I'm not feeling well.
No. I mean you really look bad. Are you okay.
Yeah, I'll be fine.
Are you sure? You look horrible.

When else is it okay to say someone looks horrible? Why is it suddenly okay now? The sick person is already down, now they have to struggle with being ugly also. People should lie.

Example conversation:
Are you sick?
Yes, why?
Because you look hot.
Really, because I feel like crap.
Well it looks good on ya. You should get sick more often.
You think?
Oh yeah, listen if you're not doing anything right now, might I suggest me?

Then people would not mind being sick. And thinking positive helps people get healthy. So don't be a dick, screw a sick person.

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