Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Never Dracula Again!

When I was young I did not have a lot of money. I mean, personally I had almost no money but my family had very little as well. One place that I was reminded of this was on Halloween. My family literally never purchased costumes. I was only able to wear whatever my grandmother could make from what we already had at home. Which would have been fine, except for one thing. She didn't like making costumes.

I was dracula 4 years in a row. 4 years. Kids notice that. All the kids notice that. They made fun of it. Halloween is not fun when people hate your costume.

If I ever have a kid, I am going to make sure they have a great (and different) costume every year. Kids in good costumes are the cutest things ever. Even cuter, kids in bad costumes. But kids in the same damn costume...lame.

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